A random image that doesn't fit that much with the post. But posts with no pics are booooooring.
Two enthusiastic posts, then two months of absolute silence.
I knew it! Another project that starts with lots of enthusiasm and then...just dies in silence. Well, my friends, maybe not this time.
But what happened? Or, even better: what didn't happen? I started this blog as I felt the need to have a platform where I could write whatever I wanted, without having to follow a formula or be rigorous. I think I'm talking for my dear Fred Cannoli as well, the co-founder of this blog. Dear reader, you need to know that more or less for a living I write every day lots of cool stuff which probably won't be read by many people but which needs to be top-notch: well researched, creative, well structured. So, I thought: let's start a blog, where I can just throw shit on paper (not literally, as I'm not writing on paper) and don't care about the result.
So I hammered my fingers on the keyboard and wrote my first post, which was a sort of rant and personal opinion on the current mania of remaking films (yes, it's still here on the blog).
All was good, but then...the VOID. What happened is, I believe, that I unconsciously started thinking too hard about the audience and the quality of the contents of this post.
OK, let's go a bit more into detail here: the audience. If you are reading this post, well, you are indeed my audience. Maybe you won't come back to read any other post, but still. When I started, I said to myself: who cares about the audience! Just DO IT. If nobody reads it, that's fine. I'm doing it for myself. Well, guess what? That didn't work. And this brings me to the other point: the content.
As I kinda wanted to have an audience, I was trying to figure out how to produce interesting and original content. I didn't want to do what the other bloggers are doing: tell interesting stories about their lives, shout their opinions about politics and do totally biased reviews of films, comics etc. I wanted to do something smart that let readers THINK.
Turns out, I really don't know if I'm capable of that, and I couldn't accept that.
So, as I'm writing again on the blog and I'm 'confessing' all my false hopes and broken dreams...does this mean I finally found a way to do it? HELL NO. And I probably won't. What I found is, hopefully, the strength for accepting my limits and work within them.
What to expect then from now on? ANYTHING. Literally, I will take any aspect I encounter in my boring life which makes me think a bit (yes, that can happen. It's horrible) and I'll write a post. I really don't want to have deadlines (nobody will ever pay me for doing this) but I'd say I'll post at least once (ideally twice) a week.
OK, now two important things: first, the English of this blog. You may have noticed that the writing is a bit...weird. Well, that's because ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. I think I'm doing pretty well, but you'll find here bad grammar, misspellings and the like. At first I decided to have a person doing a light proofreading of my posts but...I think that's not fair. This is just something I do for fun, and I don't think a proofreading is necessary. What is necessary is the patience of the hypothetical readers. That's it!
Last, but definitely not least! Actually, this is VERY IMPORTANT: in this post I am writing what I feel, but this blog also belongs to my dear friend Fred Cannoli. In this post I'm stating what I THINK, NOT WHAT WE THINK.
Fred is going through some really, really REALLY bad stuff at the moment, and I don't know if he'll feel like writing on this blog again. Something tells me he will, but I can't push anyone to do things they don't feel like doing or they don't believe in. Anyway, he still has total creative control on this blog, and I want both him, and you, dear reader, to know that. I hope he'll join me soon in the resurgence of this prematurely dead blog, but that's totally up to him. This blog-thing is not the same without you, Fred!
Wow, this post is long and boring! What a great start! OK, enough of this. Soon, you'll find a new post and you'd better be here reading!
Statemi bene! Vostro,
Vinny Panini
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