Last May, the DC Comics universe was reborn. Again. The most
recent time when Batman & Co. had been reborn was in 2011, as part of the
“New 52” initiative. However, the new timeline, initiated with the event called
“Flashpoint”, indeed generated many nice story arcs, but it didn’t achieve the
resurgence in comics’ sales that DC headquarters had hoped for. Therefore, the
aim of breathing new life into the superheroes’ universe (and into that of
potential new readers) may be seen as one of the reasons behind last year’s
additional reboot.
Aside from considerations of a more practical nature, let’s see
what has changed in terms of what matters to us: the stories and characters.
Basically, the Rebirth initiative reties the pre-New 52 timeline and the
present one, showing that the time split was not a consequence of Flash’s
tampering with the past (as seen in Flashpoint) but actually the
machinations of a certain character. So, with the magic touch and gimmicks of
writer Geoff Johns, nothing is lost in the characters’ stories, and old and new
friends can (re)begin their adventures anew. But then we have to consider, is
Rebirth any good, or is it just a sterile attempt to renew the unrenewable,
weakened under the emphasis of comic book publishers boosting movies aimed at a
general audience? Well, it’s too early to say: for sure we haven’t seen the end
of the plot bringing chaos into the superheroes’ worlds. But here’s what I think
about the series I’ve come across so far.
DC Universe Rebirth. Geoff Johns (writer), various artists.
This is a must-read mini series serving as an introduction to
the Rebirth event. It’s a must-read not primarily in terms of quality, but
mainly because it sets the stage for the new universe, and it functions as a
showcase of the predicaments of various heroes. Maybe even too much of a
showcase: as an averagely-informed DC reader, I had trouble identifying all of
the secondary characters and newer heroes in the pages, which occasionally
turned out a bit confusing. However, in the end, one can make sense of what’s
happening. Everyone’s favourite characters, such as Superman, Batman, the
Flash, Wonder Woman, all take part in the rebirth. And the final revelation of
who’s behind the temporal paradox is as unexpected as it is exciting. Of
course, the showdown will take place a long way from here. All in all, a pretty
nice, well-written and well-drawn (totally love Van Sciver) introduction. It’s
still confusing in the beginning, but let’s face it: it’s good fun to see all
of those characters with shiny new costumes start again.
Superman Vol. 1: Son of Superman. Peter J. Tomasi
and Patrick Gleason (writers), various artists.
I can say upfront that this was the weakest of the few titles I
read. I’m always torn about whether or not I should buy Superman titles. I like
the characters and his mythology, but I am often disappointed with how the
cycles end. I tend to find the last battles undermining. It happened with All
Star Superman and Last Son of Krypton. It happened again here. The
premise was interesting. Superman is living in the countryside with his wife
Lois and their child Jon, who happens to have inherited his father’s powers (so
Bryan Singer didn’t get it all wrong). While it is interesting to see how this
new scenario of protecting family and the son coming to terms with the new
powers he’s developing but can’t control, the final resolution does not quite
deliver. The art gets the job done, without impressing me too much. The
exception is Gleason’s old-fashioned style, which I found pleasing and in line
with the overall out-of-time tone. Most of all, it also reminded me of the art
in my beloved Red Son.
Batman Vol. 1: I am Gotham. Tom King (writer), David
Finch (penciler).
Thank God they got Batman right. If the new beginning of
Superman has its shortcomings, the new Batman has kicked off in a most
promising way. I hadn’t read anything by Tom King (Scott Snyder, the main
writer of New 52 Batman, is now in charge of All Star Batman), but
judging from this first volume, I can say the caped crusader is in good hands.
The story starts with an emotionally powerful moment of the dark knight, which
made me almost shed a tear. Then, it introduces interesting characters for whom
the reader can’t help but care in the end. Of course, there is no real ending
to the whole saga. Something indeed happens in the end, but at the same time it
sows seeds for Batman’s next adventures (as is wont) but also for something
else entirely, which I can’t reveal here. We will see how that is played out in
the next issues. I’m definitely getting vol. 2, which comes out next month.
Which is more than I can say for Superman. Maybe Action Comics,
with Dan Jurgens at the helm…
So that was the first batch of DC reviews. More to come in the
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